Emoji 😨 - Fearful face


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What does 😨 mean

A yellow face with a pale blue forehead, curved eyebrows with slightly worried eyes, and a half-open mouth expressing some form of surprise or fear. Often used to convey fear, but is also used to convey many other emotions such as shock, despondency, cold, surprise or the feeling of being impressed.

Statistics for emoji 😨

As one of the largest English-language emoji sites, we also have the ability to collect large amounts of statistics about the popularity of all emojis, and this particular emoji 😨 ("fearful face"), is ranked 536 out of all 1865 emojis in the top list for this year. The most popular month in terms of usage of the emoji 😨 is february, last it had about 30 views on our site during this month. The month that is the second most popular month is april. Below is a graph that shows what percentage of all views of the year fall on the respective months of the year for emoji 😨.

Info about emoji fearful face

Here you'll find more info about the emoji 😨. The emoji fearful face also belongs to the internal emoji group Halloween.  The main group that the emoji fearful face belongs to is Smileys & People, a group that it shares with another 1864 similar emojis. A lot of emojis does also exist in different variations, for example different skin colors, the emoji fearful face does however not have any known variations.

Copy and use emoji 😨

If you want to copy the emoji in order to use it in for example an email or a chat, all you have to do is click the button "Click here to copy emoji" that is listed below the emoji. The emoji fearful face will then be placed in your clipboard, and you can easily paste it the way you normally paste copied text - for example by pressing ctrl+v (or cmd+v if you are using a Mac) if you are using a regular computor. Please note though that this function is disabled on mobile phones due to techincal issues, there you'll have to hold your finger towards the emoji and copy it the regular way once the dialogue opens.

Hex and HTML code for emoji fearful face

Below you will also find the HEX code for the emoji together with a prepared example coded in HTML that is ready for you to use directly in a generic HTML document.

Hex-code:   1F628

Use in HTML:   😨

Other emojis in the group "smileys & people"